Que Sistemas sea más amable.

Encontré en CIO.com estos artículos sobre el cambio de actitud requerido para pasar de un departamento de sistemas que se dedica a vetar a los usuarios, a un departamento que colabora con ellos. Están en inglés. Me parecieron muy interesantes, por eso se los comparto aquí.


Now IT says, “We can if….” The idea is to ultimately say yes by first finding the conditions—whether they’re adding user support resources or hiring experts in a new technology—under which that “yes” becomes possible. “Tell me what would need to change in order to be able to solve the business problem,” Schwartz says.



From business execs to college interns, everybody in the enterprise wants what they want, whether or not it’s within policy and plan. And IT departments now have to figure out how to say yes more often.



They are diplomats, translators and negotiators. Forrester’s Schwaber says the best business analysts are corporate diplomats, savvy negotiators and skilled peacemakers. «They are good at finding common ground; they are good at being objective,» she says. «They are really looking at oftentimes conflicting needs from the business and from IT. So, to be able to understand where each party is coming from is essential.»



“Ask them what you can give them, how you can support them better,” advises Andy Mulholland, global CTO of consultancy Capgemini. “Come in as a friend to help them, not an enemy to stop them.”


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